Cannabis Business Challenges
- While security systems are necessary for any type of commercial building, cannabis facilities must meet a unique set of physical security requirements. Due to the nature of the industry many cannabis businesses have large amounts of cash on-site, making them a target for would be thieves. Additionally, adult-use and medical marijuana security plans need to adhere to very specific local and federal compliance standards, regarding the production, handling, transportation and sale of cannabis products. The right cannabis security solution is essential in keeping businesses compliant, safe, and secure. No one is more acutely aware of this than Seibold Security!
Cannabis Business Expertise
- Seibold Security has a wealth of knowledge and experience in this arena. Whether you are a seed to sale operation, a multi-acre grow facility or a retail store, we understand your unique challenges. We know that a fully functional security system encompasses a variety of electronic systems working in concert to monitor all manner of activity in and out of your facility. It needs to be redundant, scalable, easy to use and maintain, and now, more than ever, efficient to operate. Whether you need security in a remote grow location without access to established power sources or are just trying to reduce your carbon footprint, we can help. We have solar and wind powered solutions that can adapt to virtually any conditions.